Café Lealtad is the recollection of past times when workingour land and harvesting its products gave a sense of pride and satisfaction. Ourcoffee was conceived in a very personal way, in the heart of a family withstrong ties to our coffee traditions. Motivated by his love for his town ofLares, Mr. Edwin Soto, entrepreneur, coffee grower and owner of Café LealtadInc. acquired Hacienda Lealtad in 2007. Founded in 1830, this hacienda was oneof the most productive of its time in the central part of the island and was theinspiration for our coffee.
The aroma, acidity, body and flavor of Café Lealtad are theresult of the perfect combination of geography, soil and tropical regionconditions. To guarantee a memorable cup of coffee, our skillful workersproduce and process our beans to achieve the highest quality standards.All our coffees, Café Lealtad and Café Di Laris, and our specialtycoffees, Café Hacienda Lealtad Supremo and Café Hacienda Lealtad Gourmet, arethe result of a detailed process to offer a special sensory experience in each cup. Fromour family to yours.
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